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Employment Relations (Triangular Employment) Amendment Bill

NZNO seeks your feedback on this Bill which includes changes to employment law which may impact on your working situation. Triangular employment is where an employer, for example a DHB, contracts the services of their employee to a secondary employer, for example a nursing agency.

There are two parts to the Bill.

  1. The first part ensures collective coverage, if you have more than one employer. This is provided you are a member of a union and that union has a Collective Agreement with your secondary employer. Should you be bound by a Collective Agreement with your primary employer you would not be covered by the secondary employer’s collective.
  2. The second part focuses on your rights to allege personal grievances if you have more than one employer. Nurses employed by one “primary employer” but working for another “secondary employer” as well, will still have a right to allege a personal grievance. So if you have an employment issue with your secondary employer, while you are outsourced to that employer, this Bill will enable both your primary and secondary employer to be jointly named as respondents to a personal grievance.

Please find the bill attached here:

Send feedback to [email protected] by 4 May 2018.

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