21 Guidelines for nurses on the administration of medicines, 2018 FEEDBACK DUE: Please send feedback to [email protected] by April 9th 2018 Following the first round of consultation late in 2017, and feedback from Dr Jill Wilkinson these guidelines (see the table of changes below) warrant another brief consultation. Please consider these changes as you read the document. Summary table of changes: Length of document: At 50+ pages long the document was becoming unwieldly and repetitive. Removal of material that was not directly associated with nurses administering medicines (including reference to Nurse Practitioners and designated prescribers for whom a specific guideline will be developed). Reference to midwives responsibilities in administering medicines has also been removed as this is clearly described by the Midwifery Council of New Zealand. Detail of standing orders and transcribing have also been removed but links created to the existing NZNO publications that address these practices. New additions: Nurse-initiated medicines (6.8) Automated medication dispensing devices now in common use (6.13) Oxygen and other medical gases (7.3) Updates: Glossary (8) References (9) list of relevant legislation and regulation (9.1) Read or Download 2018 03 15 Guidelines for Nurses on the Admin of Meds DRAFT 8 (docx, 1.22 MB) - 3727 download(s)