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Delivering the Pharmacy Action Plan

NZNO seeks member feedback on this Plan and new funding model intended to give:

“communities equity of access to different types of pharmacist services, in different ways and places, which are tailored to individual need. This means that some services in future could be provided outside of the pharmacy. District Health Boards will focus on improving health outcomes for Māori and Pasifika, and four other groups, which are also set out in the Pharmacy Action Plan:

  • consumers with chronic conditions.
  • frail and elderly.
  • mental health consumers.
  • giving every child a healthy start.”

NZNO is interested in your feedback on the Plan and in particular your views on how this will affect the:

  • integration of pharmacists in community health care and
  • delivery of, and equal access, to  primary health care and nurse-led services.

A good overview of the plan is provided here:

Feedback to [email protected] by 3 April 2018

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Due to scheduled website maintenance our usual Consultation listing is temporarily unavailable.

We expect it to be back soon.