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NZNO Strategy for Nursing - Advancing the health of the nation (Hei oranga motuhake mo ngā whānau, hapū, iwi)

What is the NZNO strategy for nursing about?

NZNO does not currently have a comprehensive nursing strategy but one is needed. This new strategy will provide a vehicle for the following:

  • A framework that signals our direction and to promote nursing
  • Provides unity of purpose
  • A clear document for decision-makers and other stakeholders
  • Public expression of nursing endeavour and intention.

We invite you to be a part of shaping this important document. NZNO members can respond to the confidential draft which is currently undergoing consultation.

Send feedback to [email protected] by 19 January 2018.

This important strategy has been written to inform, inspire and influence – we welcome your involvement as it will become a flagship document going forward.

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