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Voluntary Bonding Scheme Review

The Ministry of Health is seeking feedback on the VBS, (which was capped at 229 for nurses in 2017) to inform recommendations for the 2018 intake regarding hard-to-staff areas, specialties and communities Ie How well is the VBS working? Is it targeted at right specialities and areas? Does it provide the right incentives to the right groups? Please send your comments, suggestions, and experience of the VBS to NZNO’s Snr Policy Analyst to [email protected] by Friday 14 July 2017.

Note: You may also wish to feedback directly to MoH via this lengthy survey, but please cc feedback to NZNO.

Please send feedback to [email protected] by Friday 14 July 2017.

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Due to scheduled website maintenance our usual Consultation listing is temporarily unavailable.

We expect it to be back soon.