31 Request for IDEAs in breaking patterns of family violence The government is calling for IDEAs as to how to break patterns of family violence. A Family Violence Summit will be held on June 7 at Te Wharewaka in Wellington (Programme and keynote speakers) addressing four issues: Helping children and their whānau to live without family violence. Kaupapa Māori whānau-centred approaches Taking opportunities to intervene earlier Supporting seniors, people with disabilities and migrant communities There will be an opportunity to view the summit speakers via a link on the website. https://justice.govt.nz/justice-sector-policy/key-initiatives/reducing-family-and-sexual-violence/family-violence-summit You can contribute your ideas using the online submission form and you can also send feedback to NZNO for its submission. Nurses have a key role in identifying, and providing interventions to reduce family violence. What support, services, training, etc. are needed to enhance and utilise their skills to improve outcomes? Examples of what works and what doesn’t work are very useful. Please send feedback to [email protected] by Monday June 12, 2017.