NZNO Publications

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Core Documents (19)
Core documents are fundamental to the values, beliefs and priorities of NZNO. These documents are the basis from which NZNO provides services to members and provide the core platform for policy development.

Book: Freed to care, proud to nurse, 2010.

Brochure: Join the New Zealand Nurses Organisation, 2019

Complaints Policy, 2018

Constitution: NZNO Constitution 2022-2023

Fact Sheet - NZNO, Comprehensive Support for Members

Fact sheet: Why join a union? 2014

Growing nurses into governance: A governance toolkit, 2019.

Guideline: A process to manage challenging professional and ethical issues, 2010

Guideline: Code of Ethics, 2019

Guideline: NZNO criteria for initiating collective agreement bargaining, 2014

Guideline: NZNO writing style guide, 2013

Guideline: On the case (advice, support and representation from NZNO staff: a guide for members), 2022

Handbook for New Zealand Nurses Organisation Delegates, 2022

Nursing Manifesto 2020 - Nursing matters even more in 2020

NZNO Strategic Plan 2021-2022

NZNO Strategic Plan 2023-2025

Position description for NZNO Delegates 2012

Position statement: Hui, 2014

Report: NZNO Annual Report 2023-2024

Education and Professional Development (3)
All NZNO documents related to education and professional development

Guideline: Reflective writing, 2021

Policy statement: Internship at NZNO, 2014

Poster - Information that informs competent nursing practice, 2018

Employment (19)
All documentation pertaining to employment and employment related issues. This includes documentation related to nursing management.

Fact sheet - Parental Leave, 2022

Fact sheet: Are you paying a bargaining fee?

Fact sheet: Annual leave calculations, 2014

Fact sheet: Casual employees, 2013

Fact sheet: DHB Sector sick and domestic leave, 2014

Fact sheet: Employer accountability versus professional accountability, 2015

Fact sheet: Employment investigations or disciplinary meetings

Fact sheet: Evolving primary health care services, 2012

Fact sheet: Secondary employment, 2014

Fact sheet: Stress and the workplace, 2014

Fact sheet: Workplace bullying: the complaints process, 2013

Guidance - Life Preserving Services during Strike Action, 2021

Guideline: Coaching and performance plans, 2021

Guideline: Negotiating a collective agreement - everything you need to know about being on a negotiating team

Guideline: Reviews and working parties: a guide for NZNO delegates and members, 2004-2014

National Code of Practice - For Managing Nurses' Fatigue and Shift Work in District Health Board Hospitals

Policy framework: Employment policy, 2016

Position Statement - Name Badges, 2021

Position statement: Bullying, 2019

Policy, Regulation and Legal (23)
All documents related to any legal or regulatory issues. This includes all documents that describe NZNOs position on regulatory workforce issues eg new cadres of health workers.

Fact sheet: Competence reviews, 2022

Fact sheet: Nurses in senior nursing and leadership positions, 2013

Fact sheet: The Vulnerable Children Act and health worker safety checks, 2015

Fact sheet: Investigations - your rights and responsibilities, 2011

Fact sheet: Nursing Council of New Zealand versus NZNO - know the difference, 2021

Fact sheet: Regulated health practitioners working as unregulated staff in the New Zealand healthcare setting

Fact sheet: Serious and sentinel events, 2011

Fact sheet: The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights 2012

Fact sheet: Understanding Duty of Care, 2016

Guideline: Document development process for NZNO, 2015

Guideline: Meeting Procedures, 2011

Guideline: NZNO Guide to preparing annual general meeting remits, 2021

Guideline: Obligations in a pandemic or disaster, 2022 Update

Policy framework - Legislative and regulatory policy framework, 2015

Policy statement: NZNO legal services, 2013

Position statement and Guideline: NZNO and its international relationships and affiliations, 2016

Position Statement: Care Rationing, 2014 (under review)

Position statement: Climate change, 2016

Position statement: External researchers requesting support from NZNO, 2020

Position Statement: Matanga Tapuhi Nurse Practitioners (NPs), 2023

Position statement: Smokefree New Zealand, 2013

Template: Constitution remit, 2022

Template: Policy remit, 2022

Practice (19)
All documents directly related to the broad scope of nursing and midwifery practice. This includes all documents that describe and provide direction on nursing or midwifery practice issues.

Guideline - Documentation, 2021

Guideline - Guidelines for Nurses on the Administration of Medicines, 2019

Guideline: Incident debriefing, 2021

Guideline: Incident/Adverse Event Reporting, 2021

Guideline: Nursing overseas, 2022

Guideline: Social media and the nursing profession, 2019

Guideline: Standing Orders, 2016

Guideline: Transcribing, 2016

Guideline: Vitamin K prophylaxis in the newborn, 2000

Guidelines: Privacy, Confidentiality and Consent in the Use of Exemplars of Practice, Case Studies and Journaling

Mentoring, Professional and Clinical Supervision, Preceptorship and Coaching, 2022

National Code of Practice - For Managing Nurses' Fatigue and Shift Work in District Health Board Hospitals

Position Statement - COVID-19 (mate korona) Vaccinations, 2021

Position Statement - Rahui COVID-19: PPE to guide risk assessment, May 2020

Position statement: Advanced nursing practice, 2020

Position statement: Breastfeeding, 2011 (Under Review)

Position statement: Violence and Aggression Towards Nurses, 2019

Position Statement-Personal Protective Equipment in a Primary Health Care Setting during COVID-19 (Mate korona) community outbreaks, 2021

Standards: Standards of professional nursing practice, 2012

Research (45)
All NZNO published research and scholarly monographs.

Advisory Research Paper - Violence and Aggression against Nurses, 2020

Book: To advance health care by Merian Litchfield (2009).

Enrolled Nurses - Scope of Practice Survey 2019

Policy: Mandated nursing staff to resident ratios in aged care - Summary of evidence, 2017

Position statement: External researchers requesting support from NZNO, 2020

Productivity monograph: nursing's contribution NZNO, 2010

Project report - Health IT and multidisciplinary community healthcare, 2016

Report: National nursing student survey (NSU), 2012

Report: National nursing student survey (NSU), 2013

Report: National Nursing Student Survey (NSU), 2015

Report: National nursing student survey (NSU), 2017

Report: National nursing student survey (NSU), 2019

Report: National Nursing Student Survey (NSU), 2021

Report: National Nursing Student Survey (NSU), 2023

Research report: Charge nurse survey, 2010

Research report: Charge nurse survey, 2012

Research report: Employment survey, 2009-2013 longitudinal analysis, 2014

Research report: Employment survey, 2011,

Research report: Employment survey, 2013,

Research report: Employment survey, 2015,

Research report: Employment survey, 2017

Research report: New to NZNO membership project - part 1 - satisfaction and participation, 2012

Research report: New to NZNO membership project - part 2 - a multi-cultural nursing workforce - views of overseas and New Zealand trained nurses, 2012

Research report: Nurse perceptions of models of care, 2013

Research report: Overseas trained nurses in New Zealand, 2008

Research report: Pay jolt? The impact of the 2004/5 NZNO employment agreement, 2008

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Research report: Smoking among nursing students in NZ, 2013

Research report: The impact of student debt on nurses, 2003

Research summary: New to NZNO membership project - part 1 - satisfaction and participation, 2012

Research summary: Employment survey, 2011

Research summary: Employment survey, 2013

Research summary: Employment survey, 2015

Research summary: Employment survey, 2017

Research summary: Late career nurses in New Zealand, 2012

Research summary: New to NZNO membership project - part 2 - views of overseas and NZ trained nurses,

Research summary: Nurse perception's of models of care, 2013

Research summary: NZNO membership satisfaction survey, 2014

Research summary: Young nurses in Aotearoa New Zealand, 2011

Review: Evaluation of New Zealand's iterative workforce service reviews, 2013

Review: Evaluation of the HWNZ physician assistant demonstration pilot, 2012

Review: Failure to rescue: A New Zealand nursing perspective 2012

Review: Gluckman's Improving the transition: reducing social and psychological morbidity during adolescence, 2012

Review: Grant Thornton Aged Residential Care Services, 2010

Review: Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust public inquiry, 2013

Review: The white paper for vulnerable children: summary and implications for NZNO, 2012

Other (includes Section and College documents) (15)
Other publications

Brochure: College and Section brochure and application form, 2022

Brochure: Enrolled Nursing in New Zealand pamphlet, 2019

College of Stomal Therapy Nurses Knowledge and Skills Framework, 2021

Enrolled Nurses - Scope of Practice Survey 2019

National Diabetes Nursing Knowledge and Skills Framework, 2018

Perioperative Nurses College of NZNO knowledge and skills framework, 2016

Policy - NZCPHCN Endorsement of Education Application Form

Position Description: Primary Health Care Nurse, 2021

Position Statement - NZCCCN Critical Care Nurse Education, 2019

Position Statement - NZCCCN Definition of Critical Care Outreach Nursing, 2024

Primary Health Care Nursing Standards of Practice, 2019

Standards - NZCCCN Provision of Critical Care Outreach Services, 2024

Standards - NZCCCN Standards for Critical Care Nurse Staffing, 2021

Standards - NZCCCN Standards for Critical Care Nursing Education, 2019

Template: Standard CV, 2019

Publications Orders

NZNO produces a variety of publications to keep members informed and up to date about current issues.

If you are after practice guidelines, fact sheets about nursing, pamphlets on employment issues or are looking for a copy of our annual report, you will find it here!

Important notes

  • Members must log in to access Member Only downloads and Member Discounts. If you do not log in as a member your discount will not be applied. The login link is at the top centre of this window.
  • Pamphlets are free to individual members. Supply of multiple copies of publications to institutions may incur a cost, contact NZNO National Office Wellington for further details.
  • If a cost is applicable, payment must be received in advance of your order being filled.
  • Prices include GST.
  • Publications listed in this section may contain reference to the Privacy Act 1993.  As publications are developed or reviewed, any reference to the Privacy Act will be updated to reflect the Privacy Act 2020.


Most NZNO publications are available as free downloads.  Some of our longer documents are only available in hard copy and incur a nominal charge to cover printing costs. Bulk orders of hard copy documents (eg for educational purposes) are available but may also incur a nominal charge. Ordering information can be found below.

How to order

To order NZNO's publications you can:

  • If you are an NZNO Member log on to receive discounts. The login link is at the top centre of this window.
  • Order on line below, by clicking order next to the publication you would like or
  • Email your request to or
  • Complete the Publications Order Form (DOC, 44KB) and post to the New Zealand Nurses Organisation, PO Box 2128, Wellington.
  • Remember if the items you are ordering have a cost attached to them you will need provide payment before the items are dispatched.  If you order via the web or by email you will need to post payment or contact the Publications Officer by phone to advise your credit card details.
  • For further information please contact 0800 28 38 48 or email


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